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Glorious Union

Flourishing in Marriage and Ministry

Adrian Reynolds


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Glorious Union

Flourishing in Marriage and Ministry

Adrian Reynolds


This is neither a book about marriage nor a book about ministry; rather this book is focused uniquely on the union of marriage and ministry. These two areas can both be glorious, but all too often can be areas of difficulty, trial and sin. We can sometimes fail to take an honest look at our marriages and ministries because admitting we need help feels weak and change can seem impossible.

In this inherently practical book, Adrian and Celia Reynolds share wisdom they have gleaned through their experience of both marriage and ministry. They write honestly, compassionately and with a desire to sees lives changed by the gospel. This isn't just a book to read, but a workbook with exercises to complete with your spouse that will help you see afresh the glory and privilege of being called to both marriage and ministry. 

  • Title

    Glorious Union

  • Author(s)

    Adrian Reynolds

  • Series

    FIEC Ministry Journeys

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Topic

    Marriage & Relationships

  • Audience

    Church Leaders

  • Pages


  • Published


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Adrian Reynolds

Adrian Reynolds

Adrian is one of the leaders of Christchurch Harborough and also serves as Associate National Director for the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches in the UK. He previously served as one of the Directors of the Proclamation Trust. He is married to Celia and has three adult daughters and two grandchildren.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 1 review

Throughly Enjoyable

I thoroughly enjoyed Glorious Union, and will be recommending it to a range of couples I know involved in ministry who have asked me to keep an eye out for a book like this. I think the Reynolds are good guides for this, and their aforementioned blend of deep biblical principles and helpful practical advice (in less than 80 pages! makes this a very helpful book. For couples like my wife and I, in our late 20’s and dipping toes in the water of ministry, it is great to have this sort of distilled wisdom so easily available.

Thomas Creedy

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