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Like or Follow

What Every Teenager Needs to Decide About Jesus

Dave Boden


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Like or Follow

What Every Teenager Needs to Decide About Jesus

Dave Boden



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An engaging book that wins teens to the idea of following Jesus

No one divides opinion like Jesus. Whatever your first impression of the most famous person in history, many young people claim he is still relevant to their lives today.

This simple introduction to Jesus for the curious will help you explore why so many people build their lives around his teaching. You’ll be introduced to the facts and evidence about Jesus and discover how he can reframe your world with hope and purpose.

Selected Commendations:

Like or Follow is a breath of fresh air for a generation of young people who’ve never thought about Jesus as anything more than a swear word or distant historical idea.” 

Josh Green, Youth Director, 24-7 Prayer

“A must buy for any young person starting their adventure with Jesus.” 

Emma Owen, Head of Youth Engagement, Message Trust

“If you’re interested in learning about God and the Christian faith this book is perfect for that. It’s funny, humorous, informative and great for any teenager.” 

Brooke Gamble, Age 15, UK

A great read for:

  • Teens who think they've heard it all before
  • Teens who haven't heard any of it before
  • Youth workers & summer camp leaders

Key features:

  • Easy to understand language
  • Relevant stories and illustrations
  • Discussion questions & a QR video after each chapter

  • Title

    Like or Follow

  • Author(s)

    Dave Boden

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Age Range

    12-14s, 15-18s

  • Audience


  • Pages


  • Published


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Dave Boden

Dave Boden

Dave Boden is the Executive Director of Grace Foundation. He was previously the lead pastor in a local church for over a decade and has a well-established background in Christian ministry working on local, national and international projects. Dave also co-created Kleer Series, a media ministry which helps start spiritual conversations with young people all over the world. He lives, works and writes in the West Midlands, England with his wife, Leah and their four children. 

See other titles by this author

Overall rating

5.0 based on 1 review

The conversational tone, humour and fun facts make this book excellent and relatable

“Jesus doesn’t say for us to follow in the way social media means follow. It doesn’t mean all that much if you say you are a follower of someone online. You don’t really know them. You don’t have to commit to anything or change your life in response to being near them. But Jesus expected people’s allegiance - to get up and go with him, wherever he leads.”

📚 About the Book…
A short easy-to-understand introduction to Jesus for curious teens. This book covers six ‘Big Ideas’:
1. Jesus is relevant: Christ provides us with what we’re really looking for.
2. Jesus is real: History proves that Christ was a real person who made a real difference.
3. Jesus is God’s reflection: Christ shows us exactly what God is like and reminds us who we really are.
4. Jesus is a rescuer: Christ saves us by dying for us.
5. Jesus is a revolutionary: We are invited to join Christ’s purpose to bring hope.
6. Jesus offers you a relationship: When you put your trust in Christ, he will be with you forever.

Genre: Youth, Non-Fiction, Christian Living
Publisher: @10ofthose
Ages: 10 + years
Themes: The person of Jesus, Faith, Theology, and Purpose

📖 What I Loved…
Dave’s conversational tone, humour and fun facts make this book excellent and relatable. I also appreciated his thoughtful conclusion of the book which is a call to action. We each need to decided whether we will Unsubscribe, Like, or Follow Jesus.

📖This book is for a teen who…
• Thinks they’ve heard it all before
• Hasn’t heard the Gospel before
OR for
• Youth workers & summer camp leaders
• Parents seeking ways to connect with their teens over relevant faith questions
• Mentors of young people

📖Book Club Read?
These books would be great as a teens Bible/book study, there are discussion questions & a QR video after each chapter.

Renee @blossomingthroughbooks

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