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I See Jesus

Nancy Guthrie



I See Jesus

Nancy Guthrie




5+ for $11.30 each (saving 13%)

10+ for $10.39 each (saving 20%)

50+ for $9.09 each (saving 30%)

100+ for $7.79 each (saving 40%)

The Old Testament is full of shadows... And when we look at these shadows, we can see something that looks a lot like Jesus.

In this beautifully illustrated book, author Nancy Guthrie, helps children and adults spot the shadows of Jesus on every page of the Bible. Through Bible stories familiar and unfamiliar, children will discover Jesus as God’s Lamb, the Lion of Judah, Savior of the World and so much more…

  • Title

    I See Jesus

  • Author(s)

    Nancy Guthrie

  • Series

    Guthrie Brake

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Nancy Guthrie

Nancy Guthrie

Nancy Guthrie and her husband, David, have a son, Matt, who works with his dad creating kids musicals for the church through Little Big Stuff Music. They also have a daughter, Hope, and a son, Gabriel, who were born with a rare genetic disorder called Zellweger Syndrome and each lived six months.

Nancy offered many of the lessons she learned from the loss of two of their children in her first book, Holding On to Hope: A Pathway of Suffering to the Heart of God which was published in 2002. Since then, Nancy has continued to write books that reflect her compassion for hurting people and her passion for applying God's Word to real life. Her desire to grow in her understanding of God's Word prompted her to pursue graduate work in theological studies via Reformed Theological Seminary Global which is ongoing. She and her husband, David, host weekend Respite Retreats for couples who have faced the death of a child. She speaks regularly at conferences nationally and internationally, and is a regular contributor to The Gospel Coalition, including hosting the Help Me Teach the Bible podcast.

Most recently, Nancy has been focused on her mission to infiltrate women’s Bible study in the local church with biblical theology. “I regularly have women who have worked their way through all five of my Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Bible Study series tell me that those studies helped them to see connections in the Bible they had never seen before. And that thrills me,” says Nancy. She wrote Even Better Than Eden to take women a step further into understanding some of the major themes than run from Genesis to Revelation in the Bible. And in the Biblical Theology Workshops for Women she is now offering around the country and internationally, she is training women how to trace these themes for themselves. “The workshops are energetic and fun and women leave telling me that their minds are spinning with all they’ve learned, and their hearts are warmed by seeing Christ in new ways. Nothing could make me happier.”

Nancy and her husband, David, make their home in Nashville, Tennessee.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 2 reviews

I See Jesus

With words from Nancy Guthrie, a trusted source on all things biblical theology, and illustrations by Jen Brake, who brings stories in the 'A Child Should Know' series to life, I See Jesus is a creative way of helping children connect Jesus to Old Testament stories and characters.

(As an employee of 10ofThose, I received a copy of this book for free, but was not required to give a positive review.)


Seeing Jesus in Shadows

This book is an excellent resource for showing kids (and adults alike!) how the varied stories in the Old Testament, and even in the New, contain events, people, and symbols that all point towards Jesus. There are many deeply packed truths in this short book! It will aide children in understanding the deeper meaning of Scripture, which will come in handy as they grow older and study the Scriptures for themselves. On top of being very visually appealing, the images also illustrate these truths; for example, the shadow behind Judah being blessed by Jacob is in the shape of a lion, pointing to Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and the shadow behind the bronze serpent on the pole that Moses held up is in the shape of a cross, pointing to His crucifixion as our only hope for salvation. The illustrations really bring home the message of the book in a way that kids can easily understand. My favorite part of the book is the last two pages where Nancy Guthrie explains how we see our shadow "in all of God’s people who waited for Jesus to come the first time." You'll have to read the book to find out how we can see our own shadow in the saints of old, and how the author cleverly ties the message together in the end.

I do work for 10ofThose and received a copy of this book for free, but this is my honest review of it!


Also in this series

I See Jesus / The True King
Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Bundle

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