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Bigger and Better

Rachel Menke



Bigger and Better

Rachel Menke


Bigger and Better uses rhyming text and repeated phrases to help children (and adults) remember that in any and every situation they find themselves, Jesus is always bigger and better! Each page features a real-life situation that kids may face and reminds them in a memorable way that they can always trust in their great big God.

Ideal for ages 4-7

  • Title

    Bigger and Better

  • Author(s)

    Rachel Menke

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Rachel Menke

Rachel Menke serves as the Director of Children’s Ministry at Grace Church in Racine, Wisconsin and has served vocationally children’s ministries for the past 13 years. Her biggest passion is sharing big truths about our great and glorious God in fun ways so that kids (and those who are kids at heart) can remember and understand them as they grow in their faith!

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 2 reviews

Jesus is bigger and better!

This book is such a gift to children! The refrain repeated on every set of pages is “Jesus is bigger and Jesus is better than anyone, anything, anywhere… ever!” This isn’t just a blanket statement spoke in a vacuum, but rather the author shows children how it can be applied to all of life’s circumstances: from celebrating God’s good gifts, to fighting pride, to facing the death of a loved one, to battling fear, shame, and rejection. The beautiful illustrations give life to the emotions that describe these circumstances and help kids apply this truth to their lives. Highly recommend!

I do work for 10ofThose and received a copy of this book for free, but this is my honest review of it!


Lovely lines to read aloud

What if there were one key concept that you could plant into your children’s minds that would help them to better handle every situation that they encounter? Rachel Menke has identified such a concept, and she has written a wonderful book for the primary purpose of helping your children to internalize a message that will serve to strengthen and encourage them for the rest of their lives: Jesus is bigger and Jesus is better than anyone, anything, anywhere. . . ever!

This simple, but profound statement is repeated on every page and applied to the full spectrum of experiences that a child encounters.


Through every good or bad experience, the concept of Jesus being bigger and better is applicable. How beneficial would it be to have this idea stamped on your children’s minds as they navigate the ups and downs of life?

I love this book and the purpose that it serves. Menke does a masterful job with her wording, and she creates lovely lines to read aloud. It won’t take your children long to memorize these stanzas with repeated exposure. And even more so, your little ones will soon be adding that refrain with you: Jesus is bigger and Jesus is better than anyone, anything, anywhere. . .ever!

(This is an excerpt of a review from

Kristin Stiles, Books at a Glance

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