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I’m Praying for You

40 Days of Praying the Bible for Someone Who is Suffering

Nancy Guthrie



I’m Praying for You

40 Days of Praying the Bible for Someone Who is Suffering

Nancy Guthrie



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When we hear that a friend is struggling, it can be easy to say, 'I'm praying for you', but harder to know what to actually pray.

Through forty carefully chosen Scripture passages, Nancy Guthrie opens up the wealth of scripture to teach us how to pray for those who are hurting. She shows us how the Bible provides us with a vocabulary for prayer that enables us to ask God to achieve what he intends in and through suffering. Nancy shows us how God's purposes are revealed even in our darkest days and encourages us to pray for his will to be done in difficult situations.

Each chapter includes a passage, a short explanation, and a prayer for your friend. Using the QR code at the end of each prayer, you'll be able to load and send a personal text message to the person you're praying for so that he or she will know not only that you are praying, but exactly what you are praying.

Praise for the book:

"When I lie awake through the night watches, I earnestly pray for friends who are suffering greatly. I ask God to stretch their tolerance for pain, stoke the smoking embers of their hopes, and to build in them a rugged, more sturdy faith. And now, I have this excellent guide, I'm Praying for You, to assist me with my intercessions. I couldn't be more thrilled, for my good friend Nancy Guthrie has filled this remarkable work with powerful scriptures and personal wisdom, all of it so timely and practical. After living long with pain and quadriplegia, I know firsthand the enormous impact prayer has on one's ability to persevere through heart-wrenching suffering – so get out your prayer list, open the pages of Nancy's book, and pour the authority of Scripture over the wounds and weary hearts of those for whom you intercede! They will never be the same, and neither will you."

– Joni Eareckson Tada, founder, Joni and Friends International Disability Center

"In I'm Praying for You Guthrie has written the most practical, Scripture-infused guide to prayer that I have ever seen. When someone near us is suffering in some way, we often spontaneously say we'll pray for them. Often we don't follow through or if we do, we don't know how to pray. In forty short devotionals, each guided by the comfort and call of the gospel, Guthrie teaches us what it looks like to pray for someone with clarity and confidence, knowing that what we are praying is consistent with what God so graciously has revealed to us in his Word about who he is, what he has done and is doing for us and the life he has called us to as his children. As you walk with people through the troubles of life in this fallen world, you will turn to this little gem of a book again and again."

– Paul David Tripp, president, Paul Tripp Ministries and author of Suffering: Gospel Hope When Life Doesn't Make Sense

"The prayers of God's people have always been a precious and priceless gift to me, but never more than during my husband's recent journey with cancer. This wonderful, practical resource from Nancy Guthrie will help you give the gift of encouragement by praying biblically-grounded prayers for friends who are going through the fire and by sharing how you are praying for them that day."

– Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Author; Revive Our Hearts founder; and Bible teacher

"This book is a brilliant idea. It will help many of us pray for, and encourage, our brothers and sisters who are suffering. I thank God for it."

– Christopher Ash, Writer-in-Residence, Tyndale House, Cambridge

"This is a beautiful Scripture-grounded and Jesus-centered guide for praying for those who are hurting. Nancy Guthrie is gold and so is this book!"

– Randy Alcorn, author; founder and director, Eternal Perspective Ministries

"This unique book is a precious gift for God's people. In these short, devotional chapters, Nancy Guthrie teaches us to pray more effectively, more specifically and more biblically for those around us who are going through trials and suffering. Unlike any book on prayer that I've ever seen, this is not a book that you simply read . . . this is a book that you use. And I will use it often!"

– Scott Anderson, President & CEO, Desiring God

  • Title

    I’m Praying for You

  • Author(s)

    Nancy Guthrie

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  • Topic

    Prayer, Suffering & Loss

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Nancy Guthrie

Nancy Guthrie

Nancy Guthrie and her husband, David, have a son, Matt, who works with his dad creating kids musicals for the church through Little Big Stuff Music. They also have a daughter, Hope, and a son, Gabriel, who were born with a rare genetic disorder called Zellweger Syndrome and each lived six months.

Nancy offered many of the lessons she learned from the loss of two of their children in her first book, Holding On to Hope: A Pathway of Suffering to the Heart of God which was published in 2002. Since then, Nancy has continued to write books that reflect her compassion for hurting people and her passion for applying God's Word to real life. Her desire to grow in her understanding of God's Word prompted her to pursue graduate work in theological studies via Reformed Theological Seminary Global which is ongoing. She and her husband, David, host weekend Respite Retreats for couples who have faced the death of a child. She speaks regularly at conferences nationally and internationally, and is a regular contributor to The Gospel Coalition, including hosting the Help Me Teach the Bible podcast.

Most recently, Nancy has been focused on her mission to infiltrate women’s Bible study in the local church with biblical theology. “I regularly have women who have worked their way through all five of my Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Bible Study series tell me that those studies helped them to see connections in the Bible they had never seen before. And that thrills me,” says Nancy. She wrote Even Better Than Eden to take women a step further into understanding some of the major themes than run from Genesis to Revelation in the Bible. And in the Biblical Theology Workshops for Women she is now offering around the country and internationally, she is training women how to trace these themes for themselves. “The workshops are energetic and fun and women leave telling me that their minds are spinning with all they’ve learned, and their hearts are warmed by seeing Christ in new ways. Nothing could make me happier.”

Nancy and her husband, David, make their home in Nashville, Tennessee.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 1 review

One of the most helpful guides to prayer available

If you've ever been lost for words to pray for someone you love who is hurting, this book will provide them. Nancy Guthrie, who is herself filled with first-hand knowledge of pain and loss, pulls wonderfully thoughtful and meaningful prayers out of scripture passages. Laid out over the course of 40 days, "I'm Praying for You" helps you be intentional about praying daily for someone who is suffering, and with a QR code available for each prayer, you can even send the friend on your heart the words you are praying for them. I cannot say enough about how helpful this book was for me. It is an essential resource to have on hand, as suffering will come up continuously in life and knowing how to pray for and counsel those walking through it is necessary. Highly recommended!

(As an employee of 10ofThose, I received a copy for free, but was not required to give a positive review)


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