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Choosing Love

In a Broken World

Heidi Johnston

Choosing Love

In a Broken World

Heidi Johnston



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This is a book about love. It’s about how you choose to love and who you choose to love, but most of all it’s about the God who first chose to love you and the ways his incredible love can shape our own relationships.

In a world where teenage girls are bombarded by different messages about love, dating and marriage, God’s voice can get lost in the noise. Take some time to discover the kind of love God wants for you. Learn how listening to God and choosing to love like he does – even when it’s difficult – can lead to real, deep satisfaction and a love that helps others see the heart of God. You might just find that God’s design for relationships is bigger and more wonderful than you ever imagined!

Each chapter includes questions to think about, Bible passages to help you dig deeper and discussion questions to use if you’d like to read this book with a parent or youth leader.

The riches and beauty of God’s love and his plan for relationships are yours to discover.

What others are saying about Choosing Love:

“I am so grateful for the wise message of Heidi’s book. I want my daughters to know it inside out!” – Kristyn Getty, singer and songwriter

"Heidi has given to us and to our daughters a crucial gift: the shining picture of godly womanhood written for a generation that has been told more lies than we can even imagine. This loving book, clearly and accessibly written, cuts through the dishonesty and deception of this confused world without belaboring its values or belittling its captives. Heidi talks directly to her young readers with respect and care. The writing is fresh and clear, and the subject matter is vital. Parents, give this book to your girls. Better yet, read it and discuss it with them." Rosaria Champagne Butterfield, Speaker, Homemaker and Author of The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert

"If I could give any book to myself when I was a younger woman with dreams about love and marriage, it would be this book. Choosing Love casts a deep, wide, and stalwart vision for the purpose of marriage and beautifully invites readers to be a part of a story that is so much bigger than their own. Choosing Love will make your heart beat fast for the beauty God intended to flourish within the context of marriage." Ellie Holcomb, Dove Award Winning Singer/Songwriter

"I've known Heidi for years, and have seen her love for her family, her church, and her Savior up close. She's the real deal. Amidst all the clamor of the untrue story the world tells us about who we are and who God is, Heidi's voice is a calm, clear, and wise reminder that there's a better, truer story to be told. I can't wait for my daughter to read this book." Andrew Peterson, Singer/Songwriter and Author of Adorning the Dark and The Wingfeather Saga

"Often when we think about teens, love, and dating we begin with a list, leaving them without a sure footing for the path before them. Heidi Johnston begins where all paths to godliness should begin--God's word and his good plan for his people (even teenagers). She invites teens into something far better than what the world offers in fleeting pleasures. She invites them into relationship with the God who made them, and who made them to live in relationship with fellow image bearers. This is a book I wish I had when I was navigating the confusing waters of dating as a young Christian. It is one I will pass on to others as well." - Courtney Reissig, author, Teach Me to Feel, mom to four sons.

With so many mixed messages today about love, marriage, relationships and sex we’ve forgotten what the Creator of them all has to say. This is why I cannot overemphasise the importance of Choosing Love for rooting our daughters in the truth of God’s word. In fact, I recommend every girl mom pick it up as a guide for navigating these necessary foundational conversations with our girls.” - Kristen Hatton, Author of The Gospel-Centered Life for Students in Exodus, Face Time: Your Identity in a Selfie World and Get Your Story Straight

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    Choosing Love

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    Heidi Johnston

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    Sex & Relationships

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Heidi Johnston

Heidi Johnston

Heidi Johnston is the author of Choosing Love in a Broken World and Life in the Big Story. She lives in Newtownards, Northern Ireland, with her husband, Glenn, and their two teenage daughters, Ellie and Lara.

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