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The Least, the Last, and the Lost

Poverty in America & the Local Church

Mez McConnell and Doug Logan

The Least, the Last, and the Lost

Poverty in America & the Local Church

Mez McConnell and Doug Logan



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This is the story of how America's church is failing the poorest in the country—but it's not the familiar critique.

Many commentators record a failure to engage on a cultural level with the recent rise in liberalism, but few consider the abandonment of those in our inner-cities, trailer parks, and impoverished communities.

Authors Doug Logan, Jr. and Mez McConnell have lived and walked with those in the poorest communities their whole lives. Now, with empathy, intelligence, and insight they put forward a call to reach those America has forgotten. The Least, the Last & the Lost speaks into poverty, race, and culture and calls the church to rethink what effective evangelism and discipleship look like in America's most deprived communities.

Selected commendations

"Poverty is pervasive and, as a kid from Camden, NJ, I know it well. However, liberation from poverty’s grasp is possible through the power of gospel. This book lays the blueprint for navigating this great escape. This book proclaims that the lost can be found, the last will be first, and the least will see the Most High. As I pastor in Wilmington, DE, I’ve used these principles to lead and love well in my context."

Pastor R. Derrick Parks, Lead Planter of Epiphany Church of Wilmington, DE

"The Least, the Last, and the Lost is an incredible resource that speaks to an area that is often neglected and overlooked. There is nobody more credible than Dr. Doug Logan Jr., who has an extensive background in urban ministry in poor communities throughout America, to write and call Christians to care about the things that God cares about. This book is not only informative and practical, but it exudes the calling and command that God gives all Christians to care for the impoverished, meeting them where they are with the Gospel that saves lives."

Isaac Petit-Frere, Lead Pastor, Ru Tampa, Tampa FL

"Dr. Doug Logan Jr. has developed a comprehensive and gospel-centered approach to address the realities and consequences of poverty in America. While there is no single book that will solve the problem of poverty anywhere in the world, this book serves as a directional compass pointing to Christ as a Savior of sinners and sufferers alike in any and every context. This book has been written with theological depth and sociological precision, accurately assessing poverty in America and providing a perspective that is focused on Christ."

Joe Marlin, Lead Pastor, Epiphany Gloucester City, NJ

"If you have ever sung, “Open my eyes that I may see, Lord,” this is the resource and tool that needs to be in the hands of every local church, including our church plants, to help us see and biblically pursue the vulnerable, the marginalized and those whom we may perceive as the least or the lost. This is a provocative call, a correction, and a commission for the evangelical church of the West to stop waiting for people to come through our doors so that we can plug them into programs to “be saved”. This is a gospel-rich call to exegete our neighbourhoods, and a call for every walk of life to be our brothers and sisters in Christ, learning and mutually encouraging one another no matter where we have come from or where we are in our story."

Jennifer Winger, Director of Women’s Ministry Calvary Baptist Church/Mile One Mission

"Mez and Doug are not simply strategists and theorists thinking about poverty. Their lives have been deeply impacted by deprivation, segregation, and prejudice. Yet as Christians and pastors they know that the gospel is good news for the poor and the church is a beacon of light in hard places. This book is a theologically rich and practically insightful guide for all churches seeking to engage the poor in our own cities."

Matthew Spandler-Davison, 20schemes Executive Director, Practical Shepherding Ministry Director.

"In a world where the brokenness of our cities is often overlooked, Doug and Mez shine a crucial spotlight on the underserved communities that many have forgotten. During the church planting boom of twenty years ago, countless leaders chose more prosperous areas, avoiding the seemingly insurmountable challenges of ministering to the poor. However, Doug and Mez have not only reminded us of the need to engage meaningfully with those in need, but they have reignited the call. They remind us that the poor are not a problem to be solved but people to be served and uplifted. This book is compelling, revealing why engaging in such ministry is crucial for all communities. You will be inspired to see the transformative power of serving and investing in often-overlooked people as you read these pages."

Eric Mason, Founder and Lead Pastor of Epiphany Fellowship in Philadelphia, PA

"I am the target audience for this book. I pastor at a center-city church that desires to serve our last, least, and lost neighbors but needs help to do so effectively. Doug Logan and Mez McConnell have provided just that help. They culturally educate. They biblically encourage. They pointedly exhort. And they practically instruct. This book is uncomfortable to read in the way many of us need, as it exposes misconceptions and apathy. But then it builds up and shows a way forward for churches. I am grateful for these trustworthy, committed men of God and this resource they have written for His church."

Barnabas Piper, Pastor at Immanuel Church in Nashville

  • Title

    The Least, the Last, and the Lost

  • Author(s)

    Mez McConnell and Doug Logan

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    Evangelical Press

  • Topic

    Evangelism & Mission, Life's Challenges, Church

  • Audience

    Adults, Church Leaders

  • Pages


  • Published


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Mez McConnell

Mez McConnell

Mez McConnell is one of the pastors of Niddrie Community Church, Edinburgh, Scotland. He is the founder of 20schemes and has been involved in full-time pastoral ministry, both church planting and revitalisation since 1999. He has worked in inner city areas in England, Scotland and Brazil and has a passion for training men and women for ministry in this context. He has written 2 books: Preparing for Baptism: A Personal Diary (Grace Publications Trust), and Is There Anybody Out There? (Christian Focus). Mez studied Missiology at Moorland Bible College, England and Pastoral Theology at Bryntirion Bible College, Wales. He has been married to Miriam for 15 years and has two lovely daughters, Keziah & Lydia.

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