Jesus’ final cry on the cross—“it is finished”—captures the theology of Hebrews.
Thomas R. Schreiner clarifies Hebrews’s complex argument by keeping a sustained focus on its logical flow. He interprets Hebrews in light of its prominent structures of promise and fulfillment, eschatology, typology, and the relationship between heaven and earth. Schreiner probes the letter’s unique theological contributions, such as its presentation of Jesus’ divinity and humanity, his priesthood and sacrifice, the new covenant, warnings and exhortations, and the reward for those who persevere in Christ.
Praise for Hebrews
Tethered by a close reading of the text and the secondary literature, Schreiner leads the reader with skill and care through one of the New Testament’s most heavily weighted theological works. Pastors and lay students of the Word stand to benefit much from the exegetical labors and results of Schreiner’s work. More importantly, Schreiner’s commentary leaves the reader with a deep and abiding sense of the glory of Jesus Christ’s person and work. For what more could one hope?
Mark S. Gignilliat, Associate Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School
Balancing concise exegetical detail with thematic biblical theological insight, Schreiner traces the flow of thought through the book of Hebrews while highlighting its most important themes as they relate to the canon as a whole. Schreiner writes with clarity and precision that make his work a delight to read. This is an excellent example of exegetical and theological sensibilities brought together in one volume.
Darian Lockett, Associate Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies, Biola University
Schreiner accurately expounds Hebrews verse by verse. He then synthesizes the theology of the entire book, showing how the theology of Hebrews integrates with the theology of the Bible as a whole. The commentary will help pastors formulate a more biblical theology and explain the rich theology of Hebrews to their congregations.
Charles Quarles, Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Tom Schreiner’s new commentary on Hebrews, a Bible book that is considered difficult by many, will help both pastors and Christian believers in general appreciate the foundationally important theological emphases and spiritual challenges of this New Testament text. Readers will be enriched in their understanding of the manifold theological and exegetical traditions that feed into one of the New Testament’s most consistently pastoral compositions. And they will be challenged to internalize strategies for revitalizing believers who are in danger of succumbing to the pressures that belonging to a minority entails. The volume is a worthy contribution to the expanding commentary literature on Hebrews.
Eckhard Schnabel, Mary F. Rockefeller Distinguished Professor of New Testament Studies, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
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