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Wisdom That Works

Raymond C Ortlund Jr


Wisdom That Works

Raymond C Ortlund Jr



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How exactly does one become wise? With the overwhelming flood of information and opinion in our timesmuch of it a mixture of spin, sound bites, and trivialitiesit is crucial we turn back to the Bible and pay close attention to the deep insights that have stood the test of time. Proverbs 1:20 tells us that ";Wisdom cries aloud in the street, in the markets she raises her voice." The wisdom of God does not stand aloof, but instead graciously moves toward us, into the world where we live and struggle day by dayoffering us her very best, if we will only listen. Pastor and teacher Ray Ortlund unpacks the book of Proverbs in twenty-one straightforward sermons, providing a biblical worldview on everything from money, sex, and power to that of the daily routines of an average life. Drawing relevant parallels from ancient culture to present day, he helps us understand how the book of Proverbs is practical help for ordinary people going through everyday life. Most importantly, Ortlund shows how the Proverbs point to Jesus and his counsel for the perplexed, his strength for the defeated, his warning to the proud, his mercy for the broken. With careful treatment of the Scriptures and uncomplicated language, Proverbs: Wisdom that Works bridges the gap between real-life experience and the scholarly depth of many commentaries.
  • Title


  • Author(s)

    Raymond C Ortlund Jr

  • Series

    Preaching The Word

  • ISBN


  • Format


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  • Bible Book


  • Audience

    Church Leaders

  • Pages


  • Published


Raymond C Ortlund Jr

Raymond C Ortlund Jr

Raymond C. Ortlund Jr. is the pastor of Immanuel Church in Nashville, Tennessee. He is the author of several books, including the Preaching the Word commentary on Isaiah, as well as a contributor to the ESV Study Bible. He and his wife, Jani, have four children.

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