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The Glory Now Revealed

What We’ll Discover about God in Heaven

Andrew M Davis

The Glory Now Revealed

What We’ll Discover about God in Heaven

Andrew M Davis



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What actually happens in heaven?

Believers know that when we die, we enter heaven and will spend eternity there with God and the saints who have gone before us. But then what? What are we going to do there? Won't it get boring at some point?

According to Scripture, a large part of our experience of heaven will be a continual revealing of God's glory. Not just his glory in the moment but during all of time. The mysteries of providence, the hidden movements of God throughout history, and the forgotten and unnoted works of even the most obscure of God's people will be unveiled so we can see how wise, loving, gracious, and powerful our God is. And though we will experience perfection in heaven, we will never be omniscient, which means we will always be learning more about God's glory, inspiring us to return joyful praise and thanksgiving.

If your view of heaven has been limited to clouds and angels, get ready for your vision to be expanded through this illuminating biblical exploration of the afterlife.

  • Title

    The Glory Now Revealed

  • Author(s)

    Andrew M Davis

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  • Topic

    Death & Eternity

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Andrew M Davis

Andrew M Davis

Andrew M. Davis is a philosopher, theologian and scholar of world religions. He is Program Director for the Center for Process Studies at Claremot School of Theology at Willamette University. A native of northern California, he was born and raised among the towering redwoods of Occidental and the meandering woodlands of Santa Rosa’s Bennett Valley. It was out these natural settings that his passion for the questions of philosophy, theology and religion first emerged. He holds B.A. in Philosophy and Theology, an M.A. in Interreligious Studies, and a Ph.D. in Religion and Process Philosophy from Claremont School of Theology.

An educator and advocate of cross-cultural knowledge and religious literacy, his studies have led him to a variety of religious contexts and communities around the world, including India, Israel-Palestine, and Europe. He received the 2013 Award for Excellence in Biblical Studies, the 2017 fellowship with FASPE (Fellowship at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics), and the 2020 Presidential Award for Academic Excellence.

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