No matter how we try to sugarcoat it, there’s something about suffering and loss that shakes our confidence, disorients us, dulls the things we once enjoyed, and brings questions that demand an answer.
Tears and Tossings is a book for those days of chaos and nights of storms. Reflecting on her experiences of pain and hope, Sarah Walton encourages us to come to a God who loves us, knows us, and not only sees our tossings and tears, but holds them as his own.
To send a message in a bottle to a friend who needs encouragement, download a blank Tears and Tossings themed note here.
What others are saying about the book:
"Sarah Walton deeply understands suffering yet has faithfully walked through it with hope. Her words are a balm to the weary and downtrodden soul. May this book bring you comfort.”
Laura Wifler, co-founder, Risen Motherhood
"I must admit that reading the first chapter already brought me to tears. From one sufferer to another, Sarah Walton isn't just well acquainted with suffering, she also knows the hope we have in God in the midst of suffering. I appreciate her raw honesty regarding her pain, but the even greater truth that God is good and gracious and not only knows our tears but holds them in his hands. What a beautiful thought! I recommend this book for anyone hurting or knows someone who is hurting. I particularly recommend handing this short book out to someone in pain who might be searching for truth in the darkness.”
Dave Furman, Senior Pastor, Redeemer Church of Dubai; author, Being There and Kiss the Wave
"The pathway that leads through life is inevitably stained by tearssometimes tears of loneliness or grief, sometimes tears of pain or fear, sometimes all of them mixed together in one sad torrent. What a blessing it is to know that our tears are as precious as pearls to God, that he knows them all, sanctifies them all, and promises to dry each one with his gentle hand. May Tears and Tossings give you the greatest hope even in your deepest sorrows."
Tim Challies, author, Seasons of Sorrow
“In this wonderful little book, Sarah Walton has captured a lifetime of pain and grief – and also the beautiful, tender ways that God cares for those who hurt.”
John Fuller, Co-host, “Focus on the Family” radio program
“In Tears and Tossings, Sarah Walton shares how the tears we weep never go unseen. Our good God not only sees our sorrows, but he has done something about it through the sacrifice of his Son. Written primarily for those unfamiliar with the Bible, Tears and Tossings is an excellent resource to share with a hurting, unbelieving friend. Use this book to introduce those who weep with the Man of Sorrows--the one who captures all our tears in a bottle and who will one day wipe them dry for good.”
Christina Fox, counselor, retreat speaker, and author, A Heart Set Free: A Journey to Hope through the Psalms of Lament
“When a friend is suffering, I often struggle to find the right words. Besides, sometimes it's best just to listen. Other times, it's best just to serve. Now, I can give Tears and Tossings so my friend can read and process suffering in the most helpful way and mull over life-sustaining truths from God's Word. Maybe we could read it together, one chapter at a time. Maybe we could talk about it over coffee. Maybe we could email back and forth and discuss the parts that resonate with us. I'm grateful for a resource that will not overwhelm, but will come alongside, acknowledge the heartaches of suffering, and offer a hearty dose of hope.”
Laura Booz, author of Expect Something Beautiful: Finding God's Good Gifts in Motherhood
"Tears and Tossings begins with a lot of pain but uses an empathetic trail of tears to take the reader straight to the mercy, love and forgiveness of God. You can share this book with non-believing friends with great confidence in the writing, the message, the compassion, and an accurate, compelling presentation of the Gospel."
Gary Thomas, Author, Sacred Marriage and Cherish
"Tears and Tossings is the book I needed to read when my dad died of cancer at age 52. Because the comforts she shares are battle born, Sarah knows how to handle the sorrowing with patience and empathy. She helps give voice to our honest questions and doubts, and then invites us to see that realistic hope, even in the midst of terrible tragedy, isn't as far-fetched as it might seem."
Christine Chappell, Outreach Director & Hope + Help Podcast Host, Institute for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship
Tears and Tossings
Suffering & Loss