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Get Your Story Straight

A Teen's Guide to Learning and Living the Gospel

Kristen Hatton

Get Your Story Straight

A Teen's Guide to Learning and Living the Gospel

Kristen Hatton



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What’s Your Story?

We all tell stories to each other–stories about what happened when we were kids, stories about last night, and stories where we dream about the future. Some stories are funny, some are amazing, others are sad, but they all have something in common–each of us is the hero of our own story. Our thoughts, feelings, hopes, and dreams take center stage. But when it’s all about you, it’s also all up to you. You have to make life work, find meaning, and hope for the best even when you mess up or things go badly wrong.

But what if we were made for something different? What if the main character in our life story isn’t us, but it is the God who became like us and is now with us? What if being fully human means knowing him and growing to be like him? What if the way to be fully alive is to be caught up in Jesus’s story? 

This 52-week devotional book and small group resource is designed to help you live with Jesus in his gospel story–the good news that your sins are forgiven, your future is assured, and following him is the only meaningful way to live. No matter your age, where you live, who your family is, or what your past, God wants you to experience the freedom that comes in being secure in his love.

Divided into three parts, starting with creation, each section progressively explores the idea that the whole Bible is the unfolding story of Jesus. Through this grid, who Jesus is and why we need him will shape your understanding of freedom and grace and how you grow to be like him. This yearlong study for teenagers and young adults is designed for individual devotional times, but a small group discussion guided by a mentor would help participants to absorb and live out the truths of each week’s teaching.

  • Title

    Get Your Story Straight

  • Author(s)

    Kristen Hatton

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    New Growth Press

  • Age Range

    12-14s, 15-18s

  • Topic


  • Audience


  • Pages


  • Published


Kristen Hatton

Kristen is a writer, mom, pastor's wife, and blogger. When not writing, wearing her mom hat, or in her pastor’s wife role, she loves to exercise, cook, host parties of all sizes, and travel. She credits God's grace with freeing her from the bondage of perfectionism and performance, and writes about this grace in the hope that others would know the freedom that comes from living under God instead of living in fear of His judgement.

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