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Saving Eutychus

How to preach God's word and keep people awake

Gary Millar and Phil Campbell

Saving Eutychus

How to preach God's word and keep people awake

Gary Millar and Phil Campbell


Poor Eutychus might have tumbled off his perch in Acts 20, but it's humbling to notice that what took Paul many hours of preaching to achieve - near-fatal napping in one of his listeners - takes most preachers only a few minutes on a Sunday. Two preachers look at the practical issues of getting to the heart of the biblical text, controlling content so you say what you mean to say, and delivering sermons in a way that keeps people awake.
Gary Millar

Gary Millar

Gary Millar is principal of Queensland Theological College. After studying chemistry in his home city of Belfast, Gary moved to Aberdeen in Scotland to study theology, before completing a DPhil at Oxford on Deuteronomy (published as Now Choose Life in the series New Studies in Biblical Theology). Gary worked as a pastor for the next 17 years in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and was involved in both church revitalization and church planting, before moving to Brisbane to lead the team at QTC. Gary is married to Fiona and has three daughters: Lucy, Sophie, and Rebekah.

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