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Wisdom in Leadership

The How and Why of Leading the People You Serve

Craig Hamilton



Wisdom in Leadership

The How and Why of Leading the People You Serve

Craig Hamilton



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In Wisdom in Leadership Craig Hamilton shares what he has learned through many years of being a student of the Bible and theology, a discerning reader of books on leadership, a keen observer of life and the way things work, and a loving leader of the people God has placed around him.

This book is a goldmine of helpful insights for pastors and anyone else with leadership responsibilities in their church. With 78 chapters covering an extensive range of topics, this may well be the only book on leadership you'll ever need to read.

  • Title

    Wisdom in Leadership

  • Author(s)

    Craig Hamilton

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    Matthias Media

  • Audience

    Church Leaders

  • Pages


  • Published


Craig Hamilton

Craig Hamilton

Craig Hamilton is a graduate of Moore Theological College, and is responsible for leadership development and strategy at a suburban church in Sydney. In this position he coaches leaders in addition to recruiting, developing, and deploying leaders and helping to set up leadership structures for many different ministries across the church.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 1 review

An outstanding book

Let’s get the negatives out of the way first. I love Matthias Media, but the cover is cheesy and the book is way too long. This volume is going to reach a smaller audience because it is 78 chapters and 495 pages. Which is a shame, because this is an outstanding book. Hamilton’s thesis is that most Christian leaders are into theology books or leadership books, but rarely both. And that’s a problem. He thinks (1) Christian leadership must be rooted in good theology and (2) theologically–minded pastors cannot ignore principles of good leadership. The result is an extraordinarily practical book that is full of invaluable insight and hard fought common sense. Pick 20 or 30 small chapters and use this book with your staff or your leadership team. I like “Time Management Won’t Help You,” “Praise Publicly,” “Ideas Are Born Ugly,” “Public Fans and Private Critics,” “Choose Your Lieutenants,” “There’s No Point Having a Dog and then Barking Yourself,” and “Why Systems Matter.”

Kevin DeYoung

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