Where does authentic ministry lie? The answer of this books is: in the heart. Authentic ministry is not simply a matter of mastering professional skills or of endlessly pouring oneself out in works of service. Rather, it springs from joyful union with the heart of Christ.
Authentic Ministry offers practical guidance and spiritual nourishment for all who desire to serve from the heart. Each of the nine chapters orients readers to the "one thing [that] is necessary" (cf. Luke 10:42) - abiding in Christ whilst asking and answering questions both simple and profound: What is prayer? How should I respond to suffering? Who is my friend? What is theology? What does it mean to love?
This short volume originated as a series of talks delivered to various assemblies of students, pastors in training, and church leaders in the UK and beyond. The book's style and content, then, are reminiscent of the author's in-person teaching. More than just a compendium of advice or list of helpful ideas, Authentic Ministry provides companionship and clarity for Christian minsters who truly believe: "out of the abundance of the heart, [one's] mouth speaks" (Luke 6:45).
Praise for the book:
"Thank you, Michael Reeves, for writing this book, which I will be reading and giving away time and again! It’s difficult to imagine a better tool to put in the hands of young ministry leaders to complement the more formal side of theological training."
Dane Ortlund, Senior Pastor, Naperville Presbyterian Church; Author, Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers
Authentic Ministry
Church Leaders