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All Together Now: Family Devotionals

24 short, family-friendly sessions to help you get into God's word

Awesome Cutlery

All Together Now: Family Devotionals

24 short, family-friendly sessions to help you get into God's word

Awesome Cutlery



5+ for $6.08 each (saving 13%)

10+ for $5.59 each (saving 20%)

50+ for $4.89 each (saving 30%)

100+ for $4.19 each (saving 40%)

God has given us his word, the Bible, so that we can know and love him more. This grab and go pack will help you do exactly that! There are 24 sessions that go with the Awesome Cutlery album All Together Now, each with Bible verses, prayers, and questions to discuss. There's everything you need to dig into God's word wherever you want: around a meal table, in the car, or even in a cave... So pick up a copy, and carry on your adventures with Captain Awesomeness and Cutlery Boy!  

  • Title

    All Together Now: Family Devotionals

  • Author(s)

    Awesome Cutlery

  • Series

    Awesome Cutlery

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Age Range

    4-7s, 8-11s

  • Audience

    Children, Families

  • Published


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Awesome Cutlery

Awesome Cutlery

In real life, Awesome Cutlery is Gareth Loh and Dan Adams. They are both dads and church pastors, and Awesome Cutlery is something they do in their spare time. They’ve been friends since university in the early 2000s, and pretend superheroes since 2016. Awesome Cutlery is named after Captain Awesomeness and Cutlery Boy, two wannabe superheroes who appear in sketches on the Awesome Cutlery albums, as well as in their live shows.

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All Together Now Bundle

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