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The Heart of the Christian Faith

Lee McMunn


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The Heart of the Christian Faith

Lee McMunn


Most of us would like to believe that there is more to life than just what we can see or touch. 

The idea of living in a pointless universe without a personal God giving us purpose and protection is a frightening prospect to many, whereas the possibility of belonging to and being loved by a caring God is absolutely thrilling. But how can we know the truth? 

In Essentials, Lee McMunn argues that to know the truth, we need God to engage us in conversation. Lee looks at what Jesus says about God in the Bible and explores what it means to have a relationship with Him. 

This book includes helpful discussion questions and it is suitable to read alone or as a group. It is an ideal resource to use in one-to-one interactions or to give away to non-Christians.

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    Lee McMunn

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    Adults, Enquirer / Seeker

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Lee McMunn

Lee McMunn

Lee McMunn is the Senior Minister of Trinity Church Scarborough, a church planted in May 2017. He is married to Vicky and they have three children.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 1 review

Wonderfully accessible and clear

I recently picked up a free copy of this little book at an event, and have read it all the way through today. It's a wonderfully clear and helpful presentation of the gospel, written in a lively way. It is centred on God's word throughout - specifically looking through the gospel of Luke at who Jesus is. The five short chapters are based on 5 “R’s”: Reveal – How Jesus reveals God. Reject – How we have rejected God’s authority. Rescue – How Jesus can rescue us from our sin. Relationship – What it means to be in a relationship with God. Response – How we must respond to Jesus. Finally, there are a few pages of short Bible quotations and very brief questions based on the main points of the book, to further prompt and get the reader thinking. There is also a mention of the free videos on the Essentials website in these final pages. These accompanying videos on the Essentials website are also excellent, with high production values, and are based on exactly the same text as the book, as far as I can tell. The videos are each an average of about 8 minutes long, but the book itself might take around 30 minutes to read through. Lee McMunn writes and presents in an engaging way, with a multitude of good illustrations throughout, and always applying the word of God in a personal way to the reader. I can thoroughly recommend this short, snappy and rich book for handing out to folks, or perhaps for sitting down and discussing with someone, as the chapters are short enough to be read quickly as a prompt to conversation about Christ. (I am aware that there are further resources are available from the Essentials website more specifically tailored to running a course also). I’ve now ordered 100 copies of this book for our church to give away and use.

Joseph Cresswell

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