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Church Leadership

Ray Evans




Church Leadership

Ray Evans




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Society, and our own desires can paint quite an intimidating picture of ‘the perfect leader'. Perhaps you've felt you lack the skills or experience it takes to be a leader, or maybe you've questions about how you'll cope practically in leadership.

Ray Evans has been in church leadership for over 30 years, and now spends time helping others think through how they can be better leaders. In this honest and engaging read, Ray helps us spot potential leadership issues, and using real life examples, he unpacks what the Bible teaches about leading God's people.

This book will be a helpful guide for you whether you're wondering if you should take up a position of leadership within your church, or are considering becoming a full-time church leader.

  • Title

    Church Leadership

  • Author(s)

    Ray Evans

  • Series

    FIEC Ministry Journeys

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Audience

    Church Leaders

  • Pages


  • Published


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Ray Evans

Ray is married to Jenny and they have four grown-up children and seven grandchildren. After completing two degrees at Cambridge, Ray moved to Bedford in 1980 and has served in the leadership of Grace Community Church for 35 years. The church has been involved in several church plants and has also seen its main congregation grow to nearly 500 attendees. Ray has learnt much 'the hard way' and is now assisting other leaders in overcoming some of the barriers to gospel growth that are faced in today's world. He has authored Ready, Steady, Grow (IVP) and Church Leadership (10 Publishing) to also provide help and encouragement. He is a keen sportsman, and is still playing hockey for the Bedford Veterans (a sight to behold as they all hobble onto the pitch). He is a keen reader of military history, and in any spare time is plotting the building of a model railway in his loft - for his grandchildren of course.

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Overall rating

4.0 based on 1 review

Short, practical, helpful

In 'Church Leadership', Ray Evans has offered us an accessible peek into what it means to be involved in leadership in the local church. I like how Evans helpfully points the reader towards the ways in which God has worked in our lives to mould us into the leader he wants to be, whether that is through school, work or other life experiences. He explains this approach by acknowledging that there are several ways in the local church in which leadership occurs, such as in the role of 'pastor', 'elder', 'deacon' or even something less obvious like 'bible study leader'. As a regular Christian, I appreciated this insight into the variety of ways in which I could serve as a leader (or help my own leaders to serve well) in my local church. At around 80 pages and well-written, this book can be breezed through in about an hour. Yet its effects may well be long lasting as Evans guides current, potential or future leaders through some of the Bible's teaching on leading a local church. Give it a go!

Matthew Brown

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