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The Power of Powerlessness

Robin Oake

The Power of Powerlessness

Robin Oake



5+ for $8.69 each (saving 13%)

10+ for $7.99 each (saving 20%)

50+ for $6.99 each (saving 30%)

100+ for $5.99 each (saving 40%)

It's fair to say, none of us are really OK. We all have different struggles that can cause us to feel low, helpless and defeated. The loss of a loved one, stress, addiction or relationship struggles - we all feel powerless at times. But in this heart-warming, personal and hopeful book, Robin Oake speaks into these times of despair, encouraging us to look to Jesus and to discover the power we can have in him.

Using real life stories from his time as a police officer Robin shows clearly that we are never so lost or so far away from God that he can't save us. Only when we truly realise this can we learn to rely fully on him. The Power of Powerlessness will gently point you to hope even at the point of despair.

Each chapter ends with reflection questions, action points and a prayer to help you exercise hope in your own situation.

  • Title

    The Power of Powerlessness

  • Author(s)

    Robin Oake

  • ISBN


  • Format


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  • Topic

    Life's Challenges

  • Audience


  • Pages


  • Published


Robin Oake

Robin Oake

Robin Oake QPM is the former Chief Constable of the Isle of Man Constabulary and prior to that Assistant Chief Constable in the Greater Manchester Police.

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