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When Grace Comes Alive

Living Through the Lord's Prayer

Terry L Johnson

When Grace Comes Alive

Living Through the Lord's Prayer

Terry L Johnson


Terry reveals the spiritual depth of the Lord's prayer. Each subject is covered in depth - 'Actively praying for' - includes contrition, God's will to be accomplished, removing temptation etc. 'Attitude in prayer' - includes arguing our case before God, keeping an eternal perspective, the prayer covenant, pleasing God, reverence, etc.

This is a profoundly accessible book, one that cleverly combines the theology of the Lord's Prayer with down-to- earth application. Terry teaches us not only how we should pray but also how we should live.

Sections I. Introduction, Our needs, Please God in Prayer II. The Preface of Praise III. The Petitions IV. The Benediction and Plea V. Persistence VI. Appendix, Bibliography, Index

  • Title

    When Grace Comes Alive

  • Author(s)

    Terry L Johnson

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  • Publisher

    Christian Focus Publications

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Terry L Johnson

Terry L Johnson

Terry Johnson is the senior minister of the Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, Georgia. He was born and raised in the Los Angeles area. His home church was Baptist, his sport was baseball, and his favourite class was history. As an undergraduate at the University of Southern California, he continued to play baseball and study history. But he also began to grow spiritually and over time sense a call to the gospel ministry. This led to two years at Trinity College, Bristol, England (an Anglican theological college), two years at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, and ordination in the Presbyterian Church in America. After 5 years in Coral Gables, Florida as an assistant minister, Terry married the former Emily Billings, and within 6 months they moved to Savannah to take up the call of the Independent Presbyterian Church, which they have served since 1987."

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