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Mud, Bullets and Open Roads

David Robinson




Mud, Bullets and Open Roads

David Robinson



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Taking himself by surprise, at the Keswick convention in 1965 David Robinson stood to respond to a call to missionary service. A new Christian, David couldn’t imagine that this simple yet significant step would be the beginning of 50 years of missionary service in Central Thailand, Cambodia and the UK.

Mud, Bullets and Open Roads is the story of an ordinary life lived in obedience to God with extraordinary consequences. Through testing and opposition, hardship and bereavement, the joy of conversions and the ups and downs of church planting, God is faithful. This insight into missionary life and God’s extraordinary power will inspire young and old alike as we see that when following the Lord the best is yet to come.

Selected commendations:

"In our world of competing choices, this book could be challengingly subtitled “This one thing I do” (Phil 3 :23). David's life as a church planter in rural Thailand, and Team leader in Cambodia exemplifies this singular commitment to obey God. Through sufferings and loss, joys and triumphs the book illustrates powerfully the Lord's faithfulness and sovereignty in all circumstances. This is authentic David, as I have known him, through his 50 years in mission, pursuing his goal: “one thing I do” in following Christ. Read the book and follow David's example."

David Pickard, former General Director of OMF International

"Mud, Bullets and Open Roads starts with a dramatic opening few paragraphs and David Robinson continues throughout his book with more triumphs and traumas as he tells his story of 50 years as a church planter in Thailand, Cambodia and the UK. It’s a fascinating insight into a missionary’s life and how God worked through him."

John Butterworth, award-winning journalist, newspaper editor and author of God's Secret Listener and God's Needle

"David Robinson's book, Mud, Bullets and Open Roads takes the reader on a journey of an ordinary man living an extraordinary life as God leads David on an exciting and often dangerous path crossing into Thailand, Cambodia and back to England's Manchester. I highly recommend David's book as inspiration for our times, where the reader is pointed time and again to the limitless and faithful work of God despite apparent obstacles. David's book serves as a strong reminder that nothing is impossible for this great God we serve, whether we find ourselves up against spiritual opposition, lack of resources, tight deadlines, or even huge personal loss. God is still on the throne and His power is at work across the globe through His people. Read Mud, Bullets and Open Roads - and be encouraged!"

Liz Parker, missionary with Mission Aviation Fellowship and author of Immeasurably More

"What a page turner! David Robinson’s fascinating account of his years as a missionary makes exciting and inspiring reading. Definitely a missionary autobiography not to be missed."

Tony Lane, Professor of historical theology at the London School of Theology

  • Title

    Mud, Bullets and Open Roads

  • Author(s)

    David Robinson

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  • Topic

    Evangelism & Mission

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David Robinson

David Robinson

David Robinson and his wife Mary spent 23 years as OMF missionaries in Thailand. Since they retired, they have been supporting the Thai Christian community in the UK.

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Overall rating

4.0 based on 1 review

An encouraging read

In this book, David Robinson gives his life story serving with OMF in Thailand (the mud), Cambodia (the bullets) and the UK (the open roads). It is an encouraging story of church planting in Thailand, establishing an OMF presence in Cambodia after years of war, and working with Thai expats in the UK. Some of the guidance David received seems subjective, but there is no doubt he was greatly used by God. Highlights include foiling an assassination, and small but vital stands of faithfulness made by the Thai babes in Christ. The tensions of working with local leaders and an intercultural mission team are shown, but God worked through them. Many are saved, healed and freed from demon possession. God is the real hero of the story – from calling David to follow Him at a Billy Graham rally in 1961 and then, at the Keswick Convention in 1965, calling him to serve as a missionary. One of his colleagues in Thailand was murdered, and David also suffered the blow of losing his first wife, Jenny, to cancer, but God is always faithful and provided a second wife, Mary. They both now work with the Network of Thai Christians, looking to set up monthly Thai fellowships across the UK. Conditions may have changed from the mud of Thailand in the 1960s, but the work of spreading the good news of Jesus stays the same. An encouraging read.

Stephen Ayre

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