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An Anchor for the Soul

Beholding the Cross and Resurrection

Paul Mallard

An Anchor for the Soul

Beholding the Cross and Resurrection

Paul Mallard



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Let Psalm 22 refresh your faith and sharpen your view of the cross

However fervent our first love for the Lord, we are all prone to drift. Our hearts can grow cold and our faith become a mere formality before we’ve even realised.

Thankfully there’s an answer, and it’s the same regardless of our feelings or situation: we need to stare long and hard at the profundity of Christ’s love poured out for us on the cross.

But it’s often helpful to have a guide come alongside us, and that’s exactly what Paul Mallard does in his exploration of how Jesus fulfils Psalm 22. He reminds us that our joy in Christ comes not from performance but from proximity. This is the anchor our souls need to provide stability in the raging tempests of life.

Selected commendations:

“Christ-exalting; heart-warming; soul-nourishing; perspective-giving; praise-provoking. This walk-through Psalm 22 affirms the fact that the cross and resurrection of our Lord Jesus truly are the anchor for our souls...”

Johnny Prime, Director for London, FIEC

"The victory cry, ‘He has done it’ points to Christ’s supremacy, leads us to worship and infuses our faith with hope. This short book is packed with rich treasure."

Elizabeth McQuoid, Digital Resources Director, Keswick Ministries

"This is a remarkably profound book. Concise, clear, and compelling, author Paul Mallard takes us back to the glories of Calvary and the hope of the resurrection... I could not put the book down and as I raced to the finish, I was filled with joy, which Mallard reminds us comes not from performance but from proximity."

Dave Furman, Senior Pastor, Redeemer Church of Dubai, Author of Being There: How to Help Those Who Are Hurting

"We are invited to reflect in a fresh way on Christ. More than that, we see that the sufferings and glory of Christ provide the keys to our own Christian life and experience. Spiritually refreshing!"

Bill James, Principal, London Seminary

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    An Anchor for the Soul

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    Paul Mallard

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Paul Mallard

Paul Mallard

Paul Mallard is Director for the West Midlands FIEC and the chair of FIEC's Theology Team, helping churches and leaders to think through the key theological challenges facing us in 21st Century Britain. Paul retired from full-time ministry at Widcombe Baptist Church in Bath in 2022. He speaks at numerous Christian events and has trained a generation of church workers. His wife Edrie’s story is told movingly in Invest Your Disappointments (IVP, 2013). Paul and Edrie are parents and grandparents.

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