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The History and Theology of Calvinism

Curt Daniel

The History and Theology of Calvinism

Curt Daniel



"Several years ago, a friend gave me a bound copy of Dr. Daniel's notes on the history of Calvinism and the doctrines of grace. I've kept it nearby ever since. It's one of the most useful and informative resources in my entire library—well written, crystal clear, and thorough without being ponderous. I'm delighted to see this expanded edition in print." John MacArthur, Senior Pastor, Grace Community Church

"This invaluable volume is a virtual goldmine containing the rich history and theology of the Reformed truths known as Calvinism. The beauty of this book is its comprehensive breadth and accessible readability that surveys the vast landscape of this immense subject matter. Ever since these pages first appeared years ago, it has been a trusted guide to me to navigate my journey through the many pivotal individuals, strategic movements, and doctrinal issues of biblical Calvinism. No serious student of church history or systematic theology can afford to be without this work in your personal library." Steven J. Lawson, President, One Passion Ministries, Dallas, TX

"There is no doubt that Calvinism (even though John Calvin would abhor the term) has played a critical role in the history of the Christian faith. Amazingly, though, there have been very few studies that have sought to provide a comprehensive overview of both its history and theology. Dr Daniel's survey of the narrative and thought of this influential worldview does just that and does it magisterially. This textbook (for that is what it truly is) is thus very welcome and will be enormously helpful for all who are interested in this tremendous Christian movement." Michael A. G. Haykin, Chair & professor of Church History, Louisville, Kentucky

"The History and Theology of Calvinism is a fascinating, tortuous, compelling drama. Curt Daniel, through a lifetime of study, deftly and insightfully sketches the course and essential content of that drama. Daniel understands the variegated nature of Calvinism and ably guides us through the highs and lows of the drama, never failing to engage us with the often- maligned characters and often misunderstood theology that constitute historic Calvinism. This is a book that is vast in its sweep and deep in its analysis. I highly recommend it." Ian Hamilton, Professor of Systematic Theology, Edinburgh, Scotland

  • Title

    The History and Theology of Calvinism

  • Author(s)

    Curt Daniel

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    Evangelical Press

  • Audience

    Church Leaders

  • Pages


  • Published


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Curt Daniel

Curt Daniel

Curt Daniel is pastor of Faith Bible Church, Springfield, Illinois, USA. He is a graduate of Central Bible College (B.A.), Fuller Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and The University of Edinburgh (Ph.D.). He is currently writing books on the deity of Christ, the extent of the atonement, Hyper–Calvinism, Jonathan Edwards, Biblical apologetics, and a large history of Reformed theology. 

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