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A God-Centred Vision

Michael Reeves





A God-Centred Vision

Michael Reeves



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“I want to cast a vision for preaching that is nourished by the very being of God, the glory of his Word, and the power of the gospel,” writes Michael Reeves.

Preachers are ambassadors of Christ and heralds of God, holding out Jesus so that their listeners trust, worship, and adore him.

This is a high calling, and for that we need a clear vision and great encouragement. Let this book lift your perspective and fire you up to preach with holy boldness and joy. The spiritual darkness of our day can indeed be turned back.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Sinclair B. Ferguson

  1. God Is a Preacher
  2. An Encounter with God
  3. The Light That Proves Itself
  4. Sir, We Would See Jesus
  5. Light and Heat
  6. Radical Renewal
  7. Only the Gospel
  8. Preaching Like Christ

Study Guide

Scripture Index

Subject Index


“In our day of widespread spiritual famine (Amos 8:11), the church desperately needs preachers who address the head, the heart, and the hands in a Christ-centred proclamation of the life-giving and light-giving Word of God. Michael Reeves articulates how such biblical preaching is rooted in theology proper, Christology, ecclesiology, and, ultimately, doxology. May the Spirit use this thought-provoking book to reform his church and raise a mighty army of reformed, experiential preachers in our generation!”

Joel R. Beeke, Chancellor and Professor of Homiletics & Systematic Theology, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

“Preachers need a robustly biblical vision for the work before them. Any understanding of preaching that reduces it simply to a transfer of theological information has missed the point. In brief compass, Michael raises our eyes to something higher and grander—a truly God-centred vision for preaching.This volume will serve as a valuable primer for the would-be preacher and a timely encouragement for the experienced proclaimer of God’s Word. I commend it warmly to anyone concerned for the cause of preaching in the church today, and especially to those called to this matchless task.”

Jonathan Griffiths, Lead Pastor, The Metropolitan Bible Church, Ottawa, Canada


“I’ve not come across anything like this primer on preaching before. It humbled me as to the enormity of the task I’m undertaking each week, it encouraged me to keep going when I’m feeling weary, and it warmed my heart to the preciousness of the One that I have the privilege of proclaiming. A book for preachers on a Monday morning, as they look back on the day before, and get ready to go again.”

Tom Heasman, Pastor, Widcombe Baptist Church, Bath, UK


“Michael Reeves urges those who have been set apart for ‘Word ministry’ to embrace a high and holy view of preaching: an ‘assault on … the very gates of hell, trumpeted forth so that sinners tremble and saints quake in wonder.’ The aim of preaching is ‘to reform hearts so that … [people] love God, enjoy God, and glory in God.’ There are so many gems in the book that it was hard to write a short commendation. This is a timely book, setting forth a vision of preaching that too many of us—preachers and hearers alike—fail to see. Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest.”

David Johnston, Minister Emeritus, Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church, Bangor, Northern Ireland

“There is a great dearth in true understanding of the nature of preaching. Is it a sales job? Is it a lecture? Is it a mere moment of teaching? Other questions also quickly arise: What is ‘expository preaching’? In this wonderful book, Michael Reeves winsomely, clearly, and persuasively articulates a vision for preaching that is centred on God.”

Josh Moody, Senior Pastor, College Church, Wheaton, Illinois, and president, God Centered Life


“Like workmen laying bricks with no grasp of the cathedral they’re constructing, many of us have learned ‘how to write a sermon’ without understanding the nature or goal of preaching. Mike Reeves has given us—with remarkable brevity—a theological clarion call. This little volume will re-orientate the experienced preacher and set the beginner on course to see Christ lifted up in the pulpit, and his flock fed.”

Jonty Rhodes, Minister, Christ Church, Central Leeds, UK


“This book is such a helpful corrective to those, who think that expository preaching is simply about getting the text right. As Michael Reeves encourages preachers to be Christ-exalting, so be exalts Christ even in the words of this book. It is a book I wish I could have written, but I would not have expressed so well the convictions, which resonate so deeply with the thoughts of my own heart. I warmly commend this book to any, who want to take seriously the enormous privilege of preaching the whole counsel of God. i think this book is great—it captures so much of my own thinking with regard to preaching and I will most certainly make use of it with my students.”

Moore Casement, Director, Cornhill Belfast

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Michael Reeves

Michael Reeves

Michael Reeves is an author, speaker, and President and Professor of Theology at Union School of Theology in Oxford, England. He was former Head of Theology for UCCF and associate minister at All Souls Church, Langham Place, London. He is currently a church minister in Oxford, where he lives with his wife and children.

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Overall rating

4.3 based on 3 reviews

Focuses on What Preaching Ought to Be

This book is a helpful corrective away from people-pleasing preaching. Reeves reminds us that the gospel does not first get us “saved” only for us to work the rest of our way to heaven. It is the gospel itself, Christ’s work wrought in us by the Holy Spirit, “that does the deepest plough work in our hearts” (81). This book focuses on what preaching ought to be. The pastor does not need to drum up interest, but neither should he be drab and boring. Use common sense: be yourself and also aim for God’s glory in Christ. You’ll want to pair this with others books to learn bolster your learning in crafting sermons or other preparations (see below). But Reeves will help you focus on what is most important.

Understanding Real Preaching

As Dr. Sinclair Ferguson stated, this book says much in little. Dr. Reeves targets what preaching is overall, it's foundation and purpose all while encouraging and equipping the preacher and student with the truth from God's Word. In summary, this is an excellent and concise read that I will revisit to remind myself of the true purpose of faithful biblical preaching: to direct others to Jesus and glorify God.

Excellent primer on preaching, short, and to the point, yet powerful

If you're a Bible studies major in undergraduate school, or a seminary student just learning to preach, this little book would be an excellent start! The body of the text being only a total of 92 pages, and small ones at that, it was helpfully concise to finish in a short yet of time, yet it packed a punch! I felt like a main thrust of the book was to demonstrate what ought to be the spiritual power and focus of preaching, beyond exegetical skills. Michael Reeves does an excellent job showing from Scripture, and with astute synthesis drawn from the Puritans among other ancient theologians, that preaching is not merely "explaining" the text. It should be God speaking through man, through his Word, exalting and treasuring Christ, loving the people preached to, emphasizing the Gospel with the grace of repentance and the power to obey. Other books thoroughly travel through the nuts and bolts of preaching and teaching. This one will instead warm your heart to truly believe in the power of preaching from Scripture, while potentially correcting any overly pragmatic approaches to preaching that might have slipped into your practice or theology unnoticed. The only reason I gave 4 rather than 5 stars, is I felt hat Reeves, at a few select points, overslimplified matters, making an aspect or two of the theology of preaching more binary in nature than I believe it to be. For example, in his 7th chapter, Reeves takes the William Perkins approach, that a text of Scripture is either "Law" or "Gospel," with the Law's purpose to expose sin, while the Gospel's purpose is to provide grace and forgiveness for such sin. In my humble opinion, this common dichotomy is an oversimplification of the function of the Law, sometimes making the Law out to be slightly antinomian, as if the Law does not also practically and thoroughly instruct us how to live. I understand others might read this book and agree with Reeves wholeheartedly and find no issue. In any case, this IS an excellent little book, and I'd recommend it to new preachers and seasoned preachers alike, to refresh your theology and desire to preach filled with the Spirit, to exalt Christ, and to apply his Gospel to sheep whom you love. Thank you, Michael Reeves, for serving us with this excellent read!

Also in this series

Enjoy Your Prayer Life
Rejoice and Tremble
What Does It Mean to Fear the Lord?
Union Series 6 Pack
Fearless Faith
Iron Sharpens Iron
Suffering and Singing
The Loveliest Place
Journey Back to Joy
Authentic Ministry
Why Should We Love the Local Church?
Union 4 Pack
Come and See
Right with God
Come and See [Video Series]
Custos Animae [Video Series]
Priscilla, Where Are You?
What Fuels the Mission of the Church?
Weakness Our Strength
Scripture is Supreme
Deeper: Study Guide
The God Who Draws Near
Union Publishing 5 Pack
Learning to Lament
The Trinity
Loved Indeed
The New Birth

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