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Build a Stronger Marriage

The Path to Oneness

Bob Lepine

Build a Stronger Marriage

The Path to Oneness

Bob Lepine



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All marriages face seasons of distress and frustration—times when thanks to a variety of factors you don’t feel as close as you once were. Bestselling author and longtime FamilyLife Today cohost Bob Lepine helps you work through the challenges that emerge in every marriage, causing couples to become isolated and alienated. He helps you make the adjustments necessary to build the kind of marriage God intends for you to have and encourages you back on the path to oneness.

Lepine maps out this path to oneness by first helping you and your spouse uncover how your motivations and expectations about marriage, childhood hardship or family of origin issues, guilt, shame, or unaddressed relational wounds can impact a marriage relationship. Seeing marriage from God’s point of view is the path to oneness. You will be able to trade blame, dissatisfaction, and disappointment for a stronger, richer, and more rewarding relationship. Each chapter ends with a simple assignment that will help you get on and stay on the path to oneness. There is hope for your marriage! God is on this journey with you!

Build a Stronger Marriage is part of the Ask the Christian Counselor series. This series walks readers through their deepest and most profound questions. Each question is unpacked by an experienced counselor that gives readers the tools to understand their struggle and how the gospel brings hope and healing to the problem they are facing.

  • Title

    Build a Stronger Marriage

  • Author(s)

    Bob Lepine

  • Series

    Ask the Christian Counselor

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    New Growth Press

  • Topic

    Marriage & Relationships

  • Audience


  • Pages


  • Published


Bob Lepine

Bob Lepine is the on air host for Truth For Life, and the former co-host of FamilyLife Today. He is the author of Love Like You Mean It and lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with his wife, Mary Ann. Bob also serves as an elder and teaching pastor at Redeemer Community Church. In 2022, he was inducted into the National Religious Broadcasters Hall of Fame.

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