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Sufficient Hope

Gospel Meditations and Prayers for Moms

Christina Fox

Sufficient Hope

Gospel Meditations and Prayers for Moms

Christina Fox



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Motherhood is a wonderful season of lifebut also one filled with challenges, trials, discouragements, and stress. Moms labor to tend to the needs of their children and often find themselves empty and spent by the end of the day. But in the gospel we have a wonderful resource to sustain us. God is more than sufficient to uphold us, and his message of good news applies to all the daily challenges of motherhood.

Christina Fox examines a range of situations through the lens of the gospel and shows us, in each one, who Christ is, where he is, and what he has done for us. Learn how the gospel meets you, in whatever you are going through, with life-giving, soul-saturating hope.

Prayers at the end of each brief chapter apply this hope to specific, different challenges of motherhood.

  • Title

    Sufficient Hope

  • Author(s)

    Christina Fox

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    P&R Publishing

  • Topic


  • Audience

    Parents, Female

  • Pages


  • Published


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Christina Fox

Christina Fox

Originally from Maryland, Christina Fox went to college at Covenant College on Lookout Mountain in Georgia where she studied sociology with an emphasis in counseling. A few years later, she received her Master’s in Counseling Psychology from Palm Beach Atlantic University. Before having her two sons, she worked in the helping/counseling field for about eight years. These days, she spends her time homeschooling her boys, driving them from one activity to another, and writing as time allows. In addition to writing, Christina also speak at conferences, retreats, and other women’s ministry events. She serves on her denomination’s national women’s ministry team and as the editor of their women's ministry blog, enCourage. She also serve on the advisory board at Covenant College. 

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