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Gospel Powered Parenting

How the Gospel Shapes and Transforms Parenting

William P Farley

Gospel Powered Parenting

How the Gospel Shapes and Transforms Parenting

William P Farley



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"How can I hope to be an effective parent today when attack on the family are stronger than ever before?"

The answer, says Farley, is the gospel.

Parents who claim the gospel as their own have an enormous effect on their marriage, their integrity, and their love for their children. Keeping the gospel at the forefront of every aspect of marriage helps parents fear God, sensitizes them to sin, motivates them to enter their children's world, and causes them to preach the beauty of the gospel to their children through their marriage.

  • Title

    Gospel Powered Parenting

  • Author(s)

    William P Farley

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    P&R Publishing

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