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The Christian Standard Commentary

Patrick Schreiner




The Christian Standard Commentary

Patrick Schreiner




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Focusing on theological and exegetical concerns in Acts, Schreiner examines how "The Triune God Establishes His Church," "God Empowers His Witnesses in Jerusalem," "God Propels His Witnesses into Judea and Samaria," "God Sends His Witnesses on Three Journeys," and "God Delivers His Witness to Jerusalem and Rome." Includes name, subject, Scripture, and extrabiblical literature indexes. 352 pages, hardcover from B&H.

Patrick Schreiner

Patrick Schreiner

Patrick Schreiner (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is assistant professor of New Testament and associate dean at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. He is the author of The Body of Jesus and various articles and essays.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 1 review

Really, it's Awesome

This is the kind of commentary I want to read. Many commentaries are pedantic, but this was enjoyable. Schreiner does not give us a commentary on other Acts commentaries. He did not feel the need to rehearse what everyone else has said only to repeat their conclusions. He charts a new, different path in this volume, one for your theological and personal benefit. Acts is a living book, and the more we plumb its depths the more we will get out of it. Schreiner clearly, enjoyably, and with nuance shows how Acts fits into the story of the Bible. This commentary is one that could be enjoyed by laypeople (although it isn’t “devotional”) and should be used by teachers and pastors. Highly recommended.

Also in this series

1 & 2 Peter and Jude

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