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The Gospel and the Modern World

A Theological Vision for the Church

D A Carson and Brian J Tabb

The Gospel and the Modern World

A Theological Vision for the Church

D A Carson and Brian J Tabb



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Thirty-Three Collected Essays from D. A. Carson

Biblical scholar D. A. Carson has contributed a tremendous amount to the field of evangelical thought, serving as cofounder of the Gospel Coalition, editor of the theological journal Themelios, and, beginning in 2022, as president of the Evangelical Theological Society. Reflecting on his esteemed career, Carson’s colleagues have gathered some of his best work in this warm, enriching collection.

The Gospel and the Modern World features 34 of Carson’s essays from Themelios on a wide range of topics, including his vision for the evangelical church, the authoritative word of God, Christ and culture, and Christian discipleship. It also includes articles from editor Brian J. Tabb, Andrew David Naselli, and Collin Hansen. Celebrating an illustrious, Christ-exalting career, this collection imparts years of experience and Christian scholarship to a new generation of readers.

  • A Celebration of the Work of D. A. Carson: Marks Carson’s 2022 presidency of the Evangelical Theological Society and the 50th anniversary of Themelios
  • Informative: A valuable resource for pastors, seminary students, missionaries, and thoughtful Christians
  • Theologically Robust Articles: Includes 34 essays previously published in Themelios, the journal that Carson led as general editor from 2008 to 2018
  • Co-published by Crossway (US) and IVP Apollos (UK and International)
  • Title

    The Gospel and the Modern World

  • Author(s)

    D A Carson and Brian J Tabb

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Topic


  • Audience

    Adults, Church Leaders

  • Pages


  • Published


D A Carson

D A Carson

Donald Arthur Carson is an evangelical New Testament scholar and is currently Research Professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois, where he has taught since 1978. He has a B.S. in Chemistry from McGill University, a M.Div. from Central Baptist Seminary in Toronto, and a PhD in New Testament from Cambridge University. He is a co–founder of the Gospel Coalition and has written or edited nearly 120 books. He and his wife, Joy, have two children and live in the north suburbs of Chicago.

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