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Jesus the Son of God

A Christological Title Often Overlooked, Sometimes Misunderstood, and Currently Disputed

D A Carson

Jesus the Son of God

A Christological Title Often Overlooked, Sometimes Misunderstood, and Currently Disputed

D A Carson



Although it is a foundational confession for all Christians, much of the theological significance of Jesus's identity as "the Son of God" is often overlooked or misunderstood. Moreover, this Christological concept stands at the centre of today's Bible translation debates and increased ministry efforts to Muslims.

New Testament scholar D. A. Carson thus sheds light on this important issue with his usual exegetical clarity and theological insight, first by broadly surveying Jesus's biblical name as "the Son of God", and then by focusing on two key texts that speak of Christ's sonship.

The book concludes with the implications of Jesus's divine sonship for how modern Christians think and speak about Christ, especially in relation to Bible translation and missionary engagement with Muslims across the globe.

  • Title

    Jesus the Son of God

  • Author(s)

    D A Carson

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  • Audience

    Church Leaders

  • Pages


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D A Carson

D A Carson

Donald Arthur Carson is an evangelical New Testament scholar and is currently Research Professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois, where he has taught since 1978. He has a B.S. in Chemistry from McGill University, a M.Div. from Central Baptist Seminary in Toronto, and a PhD in New Testament from Cambridge University. He is a co–founder of the Gospel Coalition and has written or edited nearly 120 books. He and his wife, Joy, have two children and live in the north suburbs of Chicago.

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