"To use or (no longer) to use the term "evangelical" is indeed a question! By reviewing its past and present (mis) uses Joel Beeke shows clearly that the question needs to be both asked and answered. He argues forcefully and movingly that the term should be preserved in its original content and its authentic spirit. This little book deserves a wide readership and serious reflection.'"-- Hywel Jones Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Seminary, California
"This is a clarion call to Evangelicals to consider their ways. Joel Beeke writes against a widespread Evangelical identity crisis. Confusion over the meaning of the term is causing some to give up identifying themselves as Evangelicals, while others insist that any attempt to delineate the boundaries of Evangelicalism should be abandoned.
Dr Beeke accepts as Evangelical those brothers who accept the authority of Scripture, trust only in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and believe that the historic reality of Christ's atoning death and resurrection provide the only hope of salvation. Danger arises when there is no real understanding of such doctrines. He urges definition of the great truths of the gospel and insists that a heartfelt knowledge is vital to the health of biblical Christianity.
To achieve this he pleads that those who profess the name of Evangelical return to their roots and consider the writings of the teachers of historic orthodoxy; by doing this they will not only enrich themselves and their churches, but they will promote a true evangelical unity. This earnest appeal is warmly recommended."-- Robert Oliver Faculty member for Church History and Historical Theology, LTS
What is Evangelicalism?
Evangelical Press
Adults, Church Leaders