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Spiritual Disciplines Within The Church

Participating Fully in the Body of Christ

Donald S Whitney

Spiritual Disciplines Within The Church

Participating Fully in the Body of Christ

Donald S Whitney



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'You're worth it.' 'You deserve a break today.' 'Do something nice for yourself.' Commonly heard phrases in this society are committed to self-gratification and individual rights. Doing things for other people is a waste of precious time, and asking for help is weak. So how do we build the church described in the Scriptures? In this day and age, how can we be a genuine community based on self-sacrifice and mutual commitment?

In Spiritual Disciplines Within the Church, seminary professor, author, and former pastor Don Whitney shows us how to build a sense of community and be active participants instead of passive attendees. Whitney looks at such frequently asked questions as: Why can't I get by on my own? Why should I go to church? Why should I give of myself to the church? Why do I need to worship in church? Couldn't I just worship in nature? Why does it matter whether I become a member of the church?

Committed love must mark the local expression of the body of Christ. By putting spiritual disciplines into practice in the church, congregations can return to the depth of community present in the New Testament church, where they 'devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.'

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    Spiritual Disciplines Within The Church

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    Donald S Whitney

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Donald S Whitney

Donald S Whitney

Donald S. Whitney (PhD, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa) is professor of biblical spirituality and associate dean at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Don came from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he was associate professor of spiritual formation for 10 years. He is a popular conference speaker, especially on personal and congregational spirituality. He served in pastoral ministry for 24 years. Don blogs regularly at

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