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Called To Cultivate

A Gospel Vision For Women And Work

Chelsea Patterson Sobolik

Called To Cultivate

A Gospel Vision For Women And Work

Chelsea Patterson Sobolik



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Women are an integral part in God’s call to work—to create and advance God’s kingdom. But work looks different for each one of us. Whether in the home, with children, or in a professional environment—or some combination of all of these—women are cultivating a world of beauty, truth, and hope. But it’s not easy. We have doubts and dreams questions and concerns. Chelsea Patterson Sobolik provides a robust theological foundation as she engages with our most pressing questions:

  • How do I glorify the Lord with my work?
  • How do I balance work and life?
  • Is it wrong for me to pursue my career ambitions?
  • What does it mean to be a Christian in the workplace?
  • How do I respectfully stand up for myself at work?
  • How do I discern my calling?

Work, whether it’s professional or in other avenues of society, is an act of cultivation that involves developing something or someone to be better. Even if you don’t receive a paycheck, you’re still working. Caring for children and homes, volunteering in our communities, leading a Bible study, or caring for aging parents is God-given work.

Chelsea faithfully engages with our questions and provides practical rhythms that women can incorporate into their lives to flourish in their work.

  • Title

    Called To Cultivate

  • Author(s)

    Chelsea Patterson Sobolik

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Topic

    Work & Money

  • Audience

    Adults, Female

  • Pages


  • Published


Chelsea Patterson Sobolik

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