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How the Joy of the Trinity Inspires Our Mission

Michael Reeves


How the Joy of the Trinity Inspires Our Mission

Michael Reeves



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What does the Trinity have to do with missions? As it turns out . . . everything.

Too often, we put theology in one part of the Christian life and missions in another—and they never meet. A doctrine like the Trinity belongs in the "intellectual" realm, while missions belongs with the "practical" parts of life. Or so we think. But is that really the way it should be?

Michael Reeves wants you to understand that the doctrine of the Trinity has everything to do with the practice of missions. When a Christian sees the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as divine persons who are so full of love that it radiates and overflows into creation—and into the lives of human beings—our perspective on missions is radically changed. No longer is missions an obligation or a drudgery. Instead, realizing the abundance of love that goes forth from God, we who have received and delighted in such love are motivated to go forth as well.

Let the radiance of God's triune beauty capture your heart. Then God's great mission won't be a chore, but will naturally overflow from your joyous delight in Him.

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    Michael Reeves

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    Trinity, Evangelism & Mission

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Michael Reeves

Michael Reeves

Michael Reeves is an author, speaker, and President and Professor of Theology at Union School of Theology in Oxford, England. He was former Head of Theology for UCCF and associate minister at All Souls Church, Langham Place, London. He is currently a church minister in Oxford, where he lives with his wife and children.

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