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Disappearing Church

From Cultural Relevance to Gospel Resilience

Mark Sayers

Disappearing Church

From Cultural Relevance to Gospel Resilience

Mark Sayers


When church and culture look the same...

For the many Christians eager to prove we can be both holy and cool, cultural pressures are too much. We either compartmentalize our faith or drift from it altogether—into a world that's so alluring.

Have you wondered lately:

  • Why does the Western church look so much like the world?
  • Why are so many of my friends leaving the faith?
  • How can we get back to our roots?

Disappearing Church will help you sort through concerns like these, guiding you in a thoughtful, faithful, and hopeful response. Weaving together art, history, and theology, pastor and cultural observer Mark Sayers reminds us that real growth happens when the church embraces its countercultural witness, not when it blends in.

It's like Jesus said long ago, "If the salt loses its saltiness, it is no longer good for anything…"

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    Disappearing Church

  • Author(s)

    Mark Sayers

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Mark Sayers

Mark Sayers

Mark Sayers is the author of The Trouble with Paris, The Vertical Self, The Road Trip That Changed The World and Facing Leviathan. Mark is also the Senior Leader of Red Church. Mark lives in Melbourne, Australia with his wife Trudi, daughter Grace, and twin boys Hudson and Billy.

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