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Give Them Grace

Leading Your Kids to Joy and Freedom through Gospel-Centered Parenting

Elyse M Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson

Give Them Grace

Leading Your Kids to Joy and Freedom through Gospel-Centered Parenting

Elyse M Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson


What is our purpose in parenting? Is it to keep our kids alive and healthy? To raise responsible adults who will be kind people, loving friends, and good citizens? Or maybe we'd just be happy if our kids would clean up their rooms and stop antagonizing each other. While all of these are honorable goals, when we focus entirely on fixing our kids' behavior we can miss the most important role a parent has: to show them the love and grace of Christ.

Give Them Grace gives you the gospel foundation to parent from a place of joy, freedom, and peace. This newly revised edition reflects what Elyse and Jessica have learned in their own parenting journeys in the last decade and includes two new chapters on parenting with grace in regard to your children's mental health and gender.

This isn't a "how-to" manual; it's a call to remember, speak, and rest in the gospel as you model Jesus to your children. Because this is the good news of parenting: it's not about getting things right all the time--it's about grace.

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    Give Them Grace

  • Author(s)

    Elyse M Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson

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Elyse M Fitzpatrick

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Jessica Thompson

Jessica is the author of several books and is a frequent conference speaker. Her heart is to see women, families, and children freed from the bondage of moralism. She is a contributor at Christ Hold Fast, Key Life, and The Mob Society. She is also a part of the podcast Front Porch with the Fitzes. Jess has a Bachelor's Degree in Theology and with her mother, Elyse Fitzpatrick, she co-authored the books Give Them Grace and Answering Your Kids' Toughest Questions. She has also written Exploring Grace Together and Everyday Grace: Infusing All Your Relationships With the Love of Jesus. Jess believes the truth that salvation is "naked confidence in the mercy of God."

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