Book Review: Heavenly Minded
It is easy to struggle staying focused on things of utmost importance in the Christian life. In Heavenly Minded, author Mary Willson Hannah helps us stay focused on “the things above” with a short exposition of Colossians 3:1-4. She reminds us that being heavenly minded is not just a helpful thing as we seek to be faithful believers on earth, but it is a necessity for the believer (p. 12-13).
Mary shares that in a world where so many other things are vying to be first in our lives: our families, activities, celebrities, news, social media…we are tempted to distort what ought to be first in our lives with a “Jesus plus” religion (p. 14). Being heavenly minded is the antidote to this, she shares, as “you cannot be both a heavenly minded person and a worldly person” (p. 17).
In this short book Mary Willson Hannah reminds her readers what heavenly things are, how to focus on them, and what such a focus will save us from. Ultimately this heavenly minded-ness will help us to focus on Christ more fully – he who has made us “fit for heaven” through his work on the cross. What a gift to be reminded of this awesome truth!
This little book – only 48 pages – would make a fantastic book to read through as a discipleship tool with another believer or a wonderful gift for someone in your life who could use a quick and compelling reminder to focus on the things above.
Order a copy of Heavenly Minded for you and for a friend today.